2 Feb 2011

friends in need friends indeed ( hello friends,.i'm looking for u,..) part 1

can't get enough from this awful thought,...
ngrasa minder coz akhir2 ini banyak gagal
nilai g maximal
g ketrima di tes tim kegawat daruratan ( which is i admire for 1 year ago )
bored guy that get along with me,.( well so so,.tp g pgn crita 'bout guy aahh,..)
well yg pgn aq critain adalah tntng 'PERTEMANAN' di kampus,.

i began my hillarious university life since 1,5 years ago,. a newbie..
everything seems easier to me than i thought,. 
perhaps it was 'just my luck' bcause i became 'suddenly' popular girl,.
almoust all the boys around knows about me
want to know me, try to talk with me & send me annoyed text message to attracked my attention,.

i din't try to be famoust dear,..
i didn't dressed up, didn't doing anything to gain popularity,.
didn't act & talk too much to attracked people,.noooo,..i'm not requested become like this,.

it's all because there was a guy ( a big mouth guy ) who adore me a lot,.
he told to the whole amphy ( this is our class named,.) that i'm special, beautiful, famoust girl,.bla bla bla
but he's too girlly for me ( i'm serious,.),.g JANTAN sama skali,..
malah gw ngrasa lbh laki dari dia,.hohoho
that why pas dia nembak,...well,ofcourse NO..!!!!
i said NO,.

disinilah awal dari my pathetic life berawal,...

it's all about bad gossip,.another it guy 1 who trying to be my boyfriend, another it guy 2 yg sblmnya jadi temen baik,.akhirny jd enemy,.and finally
DAMN,.it's screw my life over & over,..

well i'll tell u later guys,..

but i wanna sleep first,..

bonne nuit,...


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